Our Product Suite

We have built a suite of investment products and solutions for the most sophisticated of investor needs, and made them accessible to everyone.

EZ-Life Cycle Portfolios

$0.00 USD

Simple, yet sophisticated. Built to adapt to your unique needs as your life progresses.
Our life cycle portfolios are tailored to meet the changing needs of our clients based on their life stages. We classify our clients into four specific age groups, each representing a different phase in life. For each group, we have designed three portfolios, allowing members to choose a portfolio that aligns with their risk preferences.
Familiar, but differentiated from other age-based strategies.

In contrast to the majority of life strategy portfolios and target date funds offered by most Robo Advisors, we go beyond simply adhering to strategic or fixed allocations. Our EZ Life Portfolios are subject to active management on a tactical level, leveraging our exclusive investment models. Our team regularly fine-tunes the allocation weights of various asset classes within predefined ranges with the aim of enhancing returns and mitigating investment risk.

Our Access EZ-Life Cycle Portfolio Models
Early-Bird Investors (Age 20-35)
Portfolios for Conservative, Moderate, and Aggressive risk preferences
Accumulating Investors (Age 36-55)
Portfolios for Conservative, Moderate, and Aggressive risk preferences
Mature Investors (Age 56-70)
Portfolios for Conservative, Moderate, and Aggressive risk preferences
Golden Age Investors (Age 71+)
‍Pfor Conservative, Moderate, and Aggressive risk preferences
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AccessPro Portfolios

$8.00 USD

Invest like Billionaires do. Professionally managed like an institution, but tailored for you.
While our Access Life Cycle Portfolio is designed for steady growth, you may be seeking opportunities to amplify your potential returns. To cater to this need, we offer optional portfolios tailored for institutional clients, institutional fund investors, and select individuals who are comfortable with higher-risk investments.
Leveraging Advanced Technology for Informed Decisions
We harness the power of modern technologies to identify key factors that influence the performance of asset classes, sectors, and geographical regions. Our investment research team complements these insights with expert suggestions for equity/cash allocation, cash positioning, and portfolio hedging strategies. Additionally, we may allocate up to 5% of the portfolio to frontier economy investments, such as green energy, crypto, and meta, based on rigorous fundamental and technical analysis.
Explore the Models Powering Our Success
The investment models underpinning our optional portfolios were developed and tested by our trusted partner, Aurimax International. The performance returns from 2020 to 2023 represent actual performance during the incubation period (unaudited, available upon request). To discover more about our AccessPro products, please click below to schedule your free Access Adviser consultation.
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Access Alternatives

$0.00 USD

You may have something missing from your portfolio.
For our Full-Service Financial Planning Clients who are Accredited Investors, we leverage the depth of experience and network of our team in the Alternative Investment industry to bring you unprecedented access to portfolio augmenting investments like Venture Capital, Private Equity, and more.
National deal access.  World-class dilligence.

Most wealth managers shy away from offering access to alternative investments to their clients. Why? Most commonly, they lack the network to access the deals and/or the experience to evaluate them. Access Wealth Group's team, has strengths in each of these areas to advise you on what is appropraite for your needs.

Passive Income for today or long-term growth options for tomorrow.

Whether augmenting long-term, risk adjusted returns with high-reward potential Venture Capital placements or passive income opportunities to increase your bottom line today, we give you access and education on how they can enhance your plan.

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